October 2010

Gorilla Update

After I posted the previous item on the gorilla said to be rampaging through Kansas City, the original article was updated (same link) and the ape in question is now reported to be a "large chimpanzee" (pan troglodytes) rather than a gorilla (gorilla…

Assorted Stupidity #6

Resolved: the sentence "My dad paid cash for my Toyota Corolla and I am too rich to go to jail" is internally inconsistent. Discuss. Please note that the question whether uttering this sentence will keep you from getting arrested has…

2010 Ig Nobel Prize Winners Announced

I'm a big fan of the Ig Nobel Prize(s), awarded every year by the editors of the magazine Annals of Improbable Research. At least a few of this year's winners conducted research that might be of some distant relevance to the…

Town’s Lawn-Mowing Requirement Held Not Equivalent to Slavery

The excellent Legal Blog Watch reports that the Georgia Supreme Court has rejected an argument that an ordinance requiring citizens to mow their lawns constituted an imposition of "involuntary servitude" of the kind prohibited by the 13th Amendment to the United…

Warning: Open Windows Can Be Hazardous

They can even be hazardous, as the label discussed here implies, if they are only eight inches wide and are located seven feet above the floor. Granted, an infant might come along with a seven-foot ladder and end up plummeting…

Two Ways to Get the President’s Attention

Author's Note: Alternative titles you may prefer, depending on your political persuasion: Somebody Finally Throws the Book at Obama or Public Still Eager to Donate to Democrats This blog makes an effort to be non-partisan, so please select from the…

“Naked Cowboy” Announces Presidential Bid

Well, why not. Here's just a partial list of what this election year has offered so far (and it's only mid-October): An attack ad run by a candidate for coroner in Orleans Parish portrayed the incumbent coroner as Dr. Frankenstein….