Search Results for zamboni

Yes, You Could Get a DWI on a Barbie Jeep

Tara Monroe is a college student in Texas who has gained some notoriety for her response to a DWI arrest in March. Monroe, whose “license was automatically suspended after [she refused] a breathalyzer test after a Waka Flocka concert,” then…


Quite a few developments lately in stories I have previously mentioned. These all deserve more words than they’re getting below, but it’s hard enough to keep up with the new material. The man who was charged in February with driving…

ABA Journal Blawg 100

In an embarrassing repeat of its mistake from last year, and also the year before that, the ABA Journal has again picked Lowering the Bar as one of its top 100 legal blogs. I still suspect this is largely due to the…

Further Analysis Regarding RUI (Riding Under the Influence)

Readers have raised some interesting questions about the RUI allegations in Kentucky, described in this earlier post. Mark T. asks, "I wonder if the Kentucky definition of 'vehicle' ["all agencies for the transportation of persons or property over or upon…

Another Motorized-Beer-Cooler DUI

A 23-year-old Australian man has been fined $500 as a result of being caught driving drunk. Christopher Petrie appeared in court on Monday, but a continuance was granted so that everybody could research the question whether the motorized beer cooler…

Final Post of 2009

I am busier than I expected today, mostly because I was apparently the only one stupid enough to actually come into the office on December 31.  But I did want to post one final post of the year, although, as you…