Immigration Officer Puts Wife on the No-Fly List

I guess this would be cheaper than getting a divorce. According to the Daily Mail, an immigration officer who worked for the UK Border Agency managed to get his wife out of his hair for three years by putting her…

Maine Bill Would Allow One-Armed Men to Use Switchblades

Despite the chaos in the Middle East, rising sea levels and dwindling oil reserves, the asteroid that is likely hurtling toward Earth as you read this, and worst of all, the possibility that there might be another sequel to "The…

Clown Suit

On or about August 9, 2008, [Clown] negligently jumped onto [Plaintiff's] chest causing him to fall to the ground and sustain substantial and permanent injuries to his back. Despite repeated requests by [Plaintiff] for [Clown] to get off his chest,…

Law School Websites: Girls Under Trees?

A new report that evaluated 200 law-school websites around the country, and found that the University of Illinois had the best, also noted that over 30 percent of the websites included pictures of students in close proximity to trees, a…

Assorted Stupidity #12

It's Dennis Kucinich vs. the Longworth House Office Building cafeteria, in a battle to determine who should pay for injuries allegedly suffered when Rep. Kucinich bit into a sandwich wrap and encountered an olive pit. Kucinich alleges that he sustained…

Have a Safe Workout

From a report of new filings last week: Chom P. v. YMCA of The East Bay, Case No. RG11-556438 (Alameda County Super. Ct. filed Jan. 18, 2011). Premises liability action where the plaintiff fell while attempting to dismount a treadmill at the Oakland…