Thanks for visiting this page. You are a good person. Hopefully you’re here on purpose because you saw the word “support” and wanted to send me some money. Like I said, you are a good person.
One way to support Lowering the Bar is to buy any of the books below, all of which I recommend, especially mine, and if you do that Amazon will send me some money. It will also presumably send some money to the respective authors, which is also good, and keep the rest for itself, which is okay. There is also a link at the bottom of the page if you want to donate directly. (If you would be more inclined to contribute via Patreon, let me know because I’m considering that as well.) Regardless, thanks for supporting Lowering the Bar in any way, shape, or form.
 My book on 6,000 years’ worth of laws that are (or were) real, dumb, and real dumb.

 If you like words, pictures, and criminal law, well, this is the book for you. Very cool.

 If you’ve ever wondered whether the Legion of Doom would be vulnerable to a RICO prosecution, get this book.

 An outstanding book about the frightening trend of police militarization.

 St. Augustine wrote On Lies in the fourth century. Somehow it took 17 further centuries for humans to produce this important sequel.

 Sort of like some of the stuff I write, but for science. And with pictures. |
 The notes of someone who took and passed the New York bar exam, illustrated.

 I haven’t read this one, but I bet it’s good.

 Typography is more important than people think. I use this book all the time.

 By Keith Lee, author of The Associate’s Mind blog, about the transition from law school to practice. |
 A Kentucky law professor writes about the true stories behind the odd phenomenon of “Southern murder ballads.”
