International Law

Typing Error Costs $225 Million (So Far)

The Associated Press reported today that an unidentified (and now unemployed) trader at Mizuho Securities made a small typing error on Thursday when making a stock sale related to a new offering. Apparently, he meant to offer to sell 1…

More Gripes From Accused War Criminals

More gripes from former Baath Party officials about man’s inhumanity to man.  They are quite outraged about this now that they are (allegedly) on the receiving end.  On Wednesday, one of Saddam’s co-defendants, Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, complained that the United…

Saddam Denounces Deprivation of Underwear as “Terrorism”

Saddam Hussein’s trial continued on Tuesday, sort of.  Some witnesses have given testimony about the former regime’s criminal practices, but mostly Saddam yells at people. On Tuesday, he spent some time yelling at the judge, as he often does.  This…

Borat Supports Kazakhstan Lawsuit

In response to legal threats by Kazakh officials against comedian Sacha Baron Cohen for alleged insulting remarks about Kazakhstan, Kazakh television reporter Borat Sagdiyev stated last week that he fully supported the possibility of legal action against Cohen. Of course,…

Kazakhstan v. Ali G.

Earlier this week, the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan threatened to sue Sacha Baron Cohen, who stars in "Da Ali G Show" on HBO. Cohen specializes in tricking famous people into giving "interviews" to his Ali G character, who pretends to…

Italian Cities Begin Regulating Pet Owners

Last Tuesday, Rome’s city council passed new by-laws which it said were designed to protect pets against cruel treatment by pet owners. Among other things, the new rules ban keeping fish in "classic spherical fish bowls," and require dog owners…

Brazilian Court Will Rule on Psychic’s Claim to Saddam Reward

Brazil’s Superior Court of Justice, the country’s second-highest court, ruled yesterday that Brazilian courts have jurisdiction to rule on a psychic’s claim that he told the U.S. government in 2001 — two years before the war even started — exactly…