Court Rejects Unabomber’s Request to Get Unabombing Stuff Back

Good news — convicted "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski, now serving a life term for murder, will not be getting back any of the unabomb-making materials that the FBI seized from his cabin in 1996. Kaczynski's cabin. Defense experts argued that Kacyznski's skewed worldview was…

Man Cited for “Riding White Horse in a Snowstorm”

I put that in quotes only because it sounded to me like some kind of drug-related slang term, but in fact it was exactly what it describes. Police in Cody, Wyoming, said they cited a 28-year-old man on Sunday for public…

Blagojevich Now Giving “Closing Argument”

Having refused to show up at what he called an unfair "kangaroo court," making the rounds of talk shows instead, soon-to-be-former Governor Rod Blagojevich said on Wednesday that he had decided he would make an appearance at his own impeachment…

One More View on the Oath of Office

On FindLaw.com today, law professor Michael Dorf weighs in on the oath-of-office controversy.  I was pleased to see that he reached pretty much the same conclusions as I did: that because of the Twentieth Amendment, the oath wasn't necessary to…

Sarcasm Not Helpful to Arrestee

Here's a story that reminds us that if you're clearly going to get arrested anyway, you might as well lighten the mood a little with some good quips.  This has to be done very carefully to be effective, however, and…