June 2012

Belly Dancers Fail to Sway Fifth Vote on Health Care

Despite the best efforts of the "West Virginia Belly Dancers for Single-Payer," who reportedly gyrated before the Supreme Court for approximately three hours this morning, a majority of justices voted to uphold the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare (whatever you want to…

Forty Years Later, John Dean Still Can’t Escape Watergate

Although this time, it was because he got stuck in the stairwell. This month is the 40th anniversary of the break-in at the Watergate Office Complex that ultimately led to the resignation of Richard Nixon. On June 11, the Washington…

TSA Manages to Reach a New Low

Every time you think the TSA has hit rock-bottom, it manages to find yet another dung-filled sub-basement to wallow in. From the Orlando Sentinel: John Gross remembers frantically trying to scoop up his grandfather's ashes and wondering why the Orlando…

Carreon Complaint Amended, Still Odd

Internet darling Charles Carreon has already amended the complaint he filed just last week, and while it's not unheard of to file an amended complaint that quickly, it does tend to encourage the belief that maybe the initial filing was…

Guy Impersonating Police Officer Pulls Over Guy Who Isn’t

This isn't the first time this has happened by any means, but it never really gets old. You're outta your jurisdiction, son MSNBC reports that a 29-year-old man driving a white pickup truck made an unauthorized traffic stop earlier last…

Carreon v. The Oatmeal: Legal Ethics, or Lack Thereof?

There has understandably been enormous interest in Charles Carreon's crusade against (1) The Oatmeal, (2) some charities, and (3) reality. In fact, not since somebody claimed she was bamboozled by a Crunch Berries box (see "Reasonable Consumer Would Know Crunch…

People Who Really Need to Stop Talking: Joe Amendola

I guess it'd be more accurate to say I just wish Gloria Allred would stop talking, unless what she's saying involves something like an unnecessary crusade against cannibalism. But Joe Amendola really needs to stop talking. I mentioned his two…

People Who Need to Stop Talking: Gloria Allred

Exhibit A: my client's face not being eaten. (Photo: Getty Images) Some have accused celebrity defense lawyer (and/or celebrity-defense lawyer) Gloria Allred of being a publicity hound. You be the judge. The Miami Herald reported on June 6 that Allred…