Attorneys in Action

Judge Rules Lawyer Is Too Drunk to Litigate

Many's the time that we have debated the question whether it is possible to be "too drunk to litigate."  This will not settle that debate, but it is one more piece of evidence. A judge in Las Vegas ordered a…

Order Granting Motion to Compel Lunch

Also circulating this week, some really excellent work by Judge Gaines of the Maricopa County (AZ) Superior Court.  This order resolves a dispute over the terms of a lunch meeting to discuss discovery issues by (among other things) ordering the…

How to Get Reprimanded, #137

Call the judge a "jackass."  To be extra sure, describe a whole panel of appellate judges that way.  If you want to really lock it down, throw in a comparison or two to Adolf Hitler. This precedent was established on…

The Tale of Dr. Moodie and Ms. Alice

Dr. Rob Moodie, described as a 67-year-old "high-profile lawyer, former representative rugby player and Police Association secretary," whatever the hell most of that means, has decided to protest the "male-dominated corruption" of New Zealand’s judicial system by wearing women’s clothes…

Memphis Lawyer Is Also Lord of Great Horwood

The Associated Press reports that 68-year-old Memphis attorney D. Jack Smith, a former legislator and (according to his website) the nation’s senior multilevel-marketing attorney, has also been the Lord of Great Horwood, a village outside London, since 1997.  Apparently, this…

Latest E-Mail Shot Heard Round the World

Of course most or all of you have seen this already — the latest reminder that if you don’t want something to possibly be read by most of the English-speaking world, don’t put it in an email. This arises from…