Legislatures at Work

NY Bill Would Ban the Use of Salt in Restaurant Cooking

New York Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-Brooklyn) has introduced a bill that would prohibit restaurants in the state from using salt when preparing any dish to be served to customers. You will be pleased to know that, at least for now,…

Ohio County Pays for Bat Attack

Those of you who live in Ohio and have recently been attacked by a rabid animal, please be aware that you only have four months to ask for compensation under state law.  (File now – you can thank me later.)…

The Answers to Your Questions About Wisconsin’s State Symbols

Okay, I know that many of you are probably going nuts trying to remember Wisconsin's official state "song, flower, bird, tree, fish, state animal, wildlife animal, domestic animal, mineral, rock, symbol of peace, insect, soil, fossil, dog, beverage, grain, dance, ballad,…

Bill Would Designate Bacterium as Wisconsin’s Official State Microbe

Boing Boing reports that the Wisconsin legislature is considering whether to designate Lactococcus lactis (right) as the state's official microbe.  If it passes, Assembly Bill 556 would honor Lactococcus for the crucial role it plays in the Wisconsin economy (it turns milk into…

Tennessee Considers Low-Pants Bill

Maybe the economy has recovered faster than we all thought, because otherwise it seems odd that legislatures would still be spending time on low-pants legislation. Tennessee is the most recent jurisdiction to devote energy to this vital issue.  House Bill…