Iraqi Parliament Actually Has a Quorum

Further proof today that things are going great in Iraq—the New York Times reports that on Monday, the parliament was actually able to conduct business because, for the first time since November, enough people showed up to vote on things. …

Police in Tijuana Are No Longer Empty-Handed

The war on drugs continues to rage in Tijuana, Mexico, but police officers there are in a much better position to fight it now that they have been given weapons. Although, since the weapons are slingshots, maybe their position is…

Perry Mason Summarized

This is the essay I was looking for.  James Lileks does a review of the new Perry Mason DVD box set and reminds you that you don’t really need to get it because every show was basically the same. Link:…

Professor Will Fight for Freedom of Fecal Expression

Kathleen Ensz will go on trial in May on a misdemeanor charge for "use of a noxious substance," based on an incident last year in which she wrapped some of her dog’s feces in a mailer she had received from…

Lawyers Show Their Tats to the ABA

I read the ABA Journal’s eReport (that’s a Report that goes out eLectronically) every Friday, and was a little surprised to see this under "Answers of the Week":  "Last week we asked what inspired you to get tattooed." That was…

Attorney Free on Bond After Kissing Judicial Marshal

"This is the biggest baloney I’ve ever seen in my life," said Ralph Crozier, a 55-year-old criminal defense attorney from Southbury, Connecticut.  For once he wasn’t talking about charges against a client, but about the charges filed against him for…