Take the Workplace Harassment Quiz

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Recently I viewed an online training seminar (as I have pledged to kill the next person who uses the word “webinar,” I won’t use that word) designed to help attorneys recognize, avoid and/or deal with harassment situations in the workplace.  The seminar discusses the law and then offers some sample scenarios for users to evaluate.  Here are some of the pictures used in those scenarios, along with the caption used for each in the seminar.

See if you can guess which of these pictures depicted potential harassment situations that should be dealt with immediately if they took place at your firm.  Answers are provided below.


Workplace Scenario: “The Interview”


Workplace Scenario: “Animal House”


Workplace Scenario: “Teasing”


Workplace Scenario: “Pix on the Cellphone”


Workplace Scenario: “The Working Lunch”
Hint: yes, this is the same guy from “Teasing.”

Workplace Scenario: “The E-Mail”


Time’s up!

If you did not answer, “all of the above depict potential harassment situations about which I should be very concerned,” you are fired.