Convictions Reversed Due to Judicial Sleeping

In a dramatic reversal, the High Court of Australia has overturned the convictions of two men because the judge in their trial slept through much of the proceedings. An appellate court had ruled 2-1 that although the judge’s tendency to…

“Confusion Flakes” Cited As Grounds for Reversal

Here's something I came across the other day while doing some research.  After he was found liable for fraud, among other things, John Ryan appealed but presented little in the way of legal arguments or authority in his appellate briefing. …

What Would You Name a Magazine for Women Litigators?

If you said "Sue," you win.  Or, at least, you have guessed correctly – you don't win anything. The ABA Journal reported recently that a new magazine with the excellent name, "Sue: For Women in Litigation," will launch in January. …

Supreme Court Debates ‘F-Bomb’

Though no one ever actually dropped it, the "F-Bomb" was the main topic of conversation during Supreme Court arguments Tuesday in FCC v. Fox Television Stations. The case is on appeal from a Second Circuit decision that the FCC acted…

Election Update II: Biting the Dream

As some of you may have heard, Barack Obama was elected President last night.  The news was received with angst by some, but with enthusiasm by many, even abroad in countries that Obama may one day be forced to bomb. In…

Election Update

Election Day is here, at long last. As always, there are crucial issues at stake on San Francisco's ballot.  Perhaps the most important, of course, is whether the city will rename what is currently the "Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant" as…