February 2013

Court Rules Icelandic “Girl” Can Use Her Own Name

The Reykjavik District Court has ruled that a 15-year-old Icelandic girl can legally use the first name "Blaer," reversing a contrary decision by government officials. Iceland has strict naming laws that require, among other things, that names fit standard grammar…

Lawyer Analyzes Hobbit’s Contract

If you missed it, James Daily of Law and the Multiverse did a great analysis of the contract Bilbo Baggins signs in The Hobbit. More specifically, he's analyzing the much more elaborate one they came up with for the movie. The contract…

Geraldo “Truly Contemplating” Senate Run

Great news! Unless you are America. Geraldo Rivera said yesterday that he is considering a run for the Senate seat now held by Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ). Lautenberg, who is currently 89, has not yet said whether he will run for…