“Ford Nation” Already Canceled

When not even reality TV wants you around, isn't it time to call it quits? The exciting news that a TV network had offered Toronto's crack-smoking idiot mayor, Rob Ford, his own reality TV show was followed not long thereafter…

Senate Votes to Limit the Filibuster

In a move that there is absolutely no chance they will ever regret making, Senate Democrats today managed to push through a rule change that now makes it impossible to filibuster cabinet and judicial nominations (except for seats on the…

May a Magistrate Judge Ethically “Dance With the Stars”?

Yes, according to South Carolina's Advisory Committee on Standards of Judicial Conduct: FACTS A full-time magistrate inquires as to the propriety of dancing in a fund-raising event that is similar to a popular television show ("Dancing with the Stars"), in…

The U.S. Supreme Court Coloring Book (2013 Edition)

The Constitution may be color-blind, but this book is color-ful. Well, it isn't right now, of course, but it will be after you and/or your child and/or your attorney get done adding the colors (colors sold separately). Note: those colors…

The Rogers Doctrine

This was Stephen Colbert's take on the hearing where Rep. Mike Rogers insisted that your privacy isn't violated if you never find out about it (see "If They Violate Your Privacy in the Woods, Do You Make a Sound?" (Oct. 30,…

Retraction of the Millennium

Previously in the Harrisburg Patriot & Union: We pass over the silly remarks of the President. For the credit of the nation we are willing that the veil of oblivion shall be dropped over them and that they shall be no…

Missouri Supreme Court Hears Hot-Dog-Flinging Case

Here's another update to a story previously (and repeatedly) covered here: the Missouri Supreme Court is considering whether the Kansas City Royals can be held liable because its lion-like mascot, Sluggerrr, threw a hot dog into somebody's eye. Goofy as…

An Important Solar Update

Toby McCasker of Vice.com somehow got an interview with Angeles Duran, who as I'm sure you remember is la mujer española que es la propietaria del sol. See "The Woman Who Owns the Sun Is Using Her Powers for Good," Vice.com (October 2013); see also "Sunshine No…