International Law

German Awarded Just $4,100 for Lost Skull Section

In a result sure to not open the floodgates of missing-skull litigation, a German court has awarded only 3,000 euros ($4,100) to a man who had to have the top of his skull replaced with plastic after a hospital’s error….

Hungarians To Vote On Siesta Referendum

Apparently eager to be as democratic as possible now that they have the chance, Hungarians have repeatedly exercised their new ability to put referendums on the ballot.  The only ones that have passed so far were the two in which…

Tourist Files Complaint Against Primate Thief

Kim Dang Hoon, a South Korean man traveling in India, has filed a complaint against a thief who stole his reading glasses. Kim was visiting Varanasi, a Hindu holy city in the northern part of the country, when the theft…

Racist Dog Rejects Job Applicant

According to a Belgian newspaper, a local businessman rejected a Nigerian job applicant on the grounds that his dog was racist and would probably bite the man.  The applicant was not even allowed to enter the business where he had…

Pakistani Supreme Court Intervenes in Song-Lyric Dispute

Those of you worried about an activist Supreme Court may want to consider how bad things could be.  Reuters News reported yesterday that Pakistan’s Supreme Court had intervened to order a pop singer to change the lyrics of one of…

German Court Tells Bald Man to Buy a Hat

The bald men among you who have been thinking about moving to the German province of Rhineland-Palatinate in order to take advantage of liberal health-care coverage to get free hairpieces should think again. A court there ruled last week that…