Legal Profession

State Assistant AG Fired After Inappropriate Cemetery Visit

A 66-year-old deputy assistant attorney general is now no longer employed by South Carolina after a police officer noticed him and another person engaging in an unspecified activity in a "secluded part of a downtown cemetery." He and the 18-year-old…

UPDATE: Opinion in “Pilates Instructor” Case

The opinion in this case (linked below, previously discussed here) is worth a read.  Just to clarify a few of the details, the parties had filed cross-motions for summary judgment.  Plaintiff's claims against the credit-card company were dismissed, which appears…

Sex Fees Not Deductible Medical Expenses, Tax Court Rules

Therapeutic?  Probably.  Deductible?  No. So ruled the U.S. Tax Court yesterday in the case of William Halby, a New York tax attorney who claimed that the amounts he spent on, let's call them personal-gratification-related books and materials, and also numerous professional intimate-therapy service providers,…

Well, It Sounded Like “Rodent” to Me

From the archives, here’s an appellate ruling on a claim of error by the defendant, Mr. Roden: "Appellant asserts that the prosecutor referred to him as ‘Mr. Rodent’ on at least three occasions.  This claim is unsupported by the record."…

Attorney Who Bartered With Stripper Client is Suspended

In October, Illinois attorney Scott Erwin will begin a 15-month suspension that was imposed by the state bar for alleged misconduct involving a client.  A female client who worked as an exotic dancer charged that Erwin had touched her inappropriately…