
Gallery of Bad Disguises, #4: The Thong Bandits

Before too long there will be enough material of this kind to create a separate category or gallery of Bad Disguises.  Previous candidates would include the Duct Tape Bandit and the Tree That Robbed a Bank, and to those we…

What Not to Use as a Disguise, #3: Drywall Compound

I think we have enough failed-disguise posts now to consider starting a new category, or at least a sub-category of The Criminal Mind.  This does not quite rise to the level of What Not to Use as a Disguise #1…

“Duct Tape Bandit” Apprehended Immediately

Possibly inspired by (but far less successful than) last month's "Tree Bandit," who also employed duct tape but only to attach his foliage, a Kentucky man tried to rob a liquor store last Friday after first wrapping his entire head…