Search Results for roy pearson

Miley Cyrus Sued for Four Billion Dollars Over Picture

If you've been closely following the career of Miley Cyrus, like I haven't, you may be aware of the controversy over a photo someone posted online of Miley and some friends making faces at the camera with two appearing to…

2008 Lowering the Bar Awards

Now that 2008 is over, we can finally close the books on it and maybe try to evaluate some of the nonsense spawned during it. The following are my selections for those people and/or events that may have Lowered the Bar the…

D.C. Court Hears Argument in Appeal of Pants Case

Roy Pearson Jr., who is on the verge of getting his own category here, was in the D.C. Court of Appeals on October 22 to argue for the reinstatement of his $54-million lawsuit against the dry cleaners who he says lost…

Americans Still Struggling With Pants

I'm back from Greece, without much to report in terms of legal developments there, at least during the last 2500 years or so.  Not that they didn't come up with some interesting stuff, like ostracizing unpopular politicians for ten years…

Judge Who Lost Pants Wants Job Back

In what is certainly welcome news for amateur legal humorists everywhere, Roy Pearson has filed another lawsuit.  As you may recall (see, e.g., "Judge Drops Pants; Suit Still On," Lowering the Bar (June 6, 2007)), Pearson was formerly Judge Pearson,…

Pants Judge Ordered Out of Office

Reports last week that Roy Pearson would lose his job were confirmed on Tuesday, when the panel that oversees administrative law judges in D.C. had a letter hand-delivered to him at about 3:30 p.m., telling him to vacate his office…

Fundraiser Held for Defendants in the Pants Lawsuit

A fundraiser was held in D.C. last night for the Chungs, who were the defendants in the $65-million-pants lawsuit filed (and lost) by Roy Pearson.  It took place at the US Chamber of Commerce building and was co-hosted by the…