What Is the Proper Format for a Citation to Buzz Lightyear?

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I really have no idea, but this seems perfectly acceptable to me:

Buzz lightyear

I suppose you might also be wondering, "In what situation might I feel compelled to cite an animated action figure as an authority in one of my briefs?" That one I can conclusively answer: none. There is no situation in which you would need to or should do this.

The brief in question (which I only noticed because it was an exhibit to a brief I'm about to make fun of for a different reason) was in support of a motion to dismiss arguing that the government had violated the Speedy Trial Act. For those not trained in the law, that act has to do with your right to a speedy trial. The argument was that the government should not be able to justify a delay because of its own failure to respond to something. Seems reasonable, and they did cite a case in support of this. Unfortunately, someone had at some point become enamored of the following sentence: "The government cannot simply fail or refuse to respond to a motion and toll the Act 'to infinity and beyond,'" and was unable to not write it or to take it out once written.

Okay, fine, nothing wrong with a pop-culture quote to jazz things up a little, although that one is kind of a groaner. But here's the deal: you are not actually offering Buzz Lightyear as authority for that proposition. It is therefore not actually necessary to cite him formally as such. (Why not just write, "as Buzz Lightyear might say….")

If you must cite him, though, I would agree that he goes in the "Other Authorities" section.