“Gary Null’s Ultimate Power Meal” Almost Killed Me, Says Gary Null

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In a lawsuit filed in New York on April 26, Gary Null alleges that he became severely ill after eating a dietary supplement that
caused him to develop a number of painful symptoms.  In fact, Gary Null
alleges, "Gary Null's Ultimate Power Meal" almost killed Gary

Gary Null is a "nutrition guru" who has been highly critical of the medical establishment and is an advocate of "alternative medicine and natural healing."  He is skeptical about things like vaccines and has consistently argued that HIV does not cause AIDS.  He has a Ph.D., which he got through a correspondence course.  Also, he writes many books and sells lots and lots of other interesting things, including dietary supplements. One of which almost killed him.

To be fair, he is not suing himself, which
unfortunately means I can't add him to my small but growing list of people who
have actually done that.  He claims a contractor that mixes the
powdered supplement for him did not follow the right recipe.  Still,
although the product itself may not be deadly, the fact that a batch of it
almost killed its inventor does not speak volumes for Gary Null's ultimate
quality control.

Or for his alternative-medicine ideas. Apparently, he did not go to an actual medical doctor for as long as a month after he began
to have symptoms (it's not clear how long he had been eating the stuff). These symptoms included "excruciating fatigue along with bodily
pain" — which I think should really be "excruciating pain and bodily
fatigue," but I'll let that slide; he's been through a lot — as well as
cracked and bleeding feet.  "[Gary] Null had to be in bed with his
feet elevated," the complaint alleges, "because it was so painful he
did not have the strength to walk," but rather than try to get to a doctor
he kept eating Gary Null's Ultimate Power Meal, evidently thinking that it would
cure him.  It did not.

When he finally did seek professional help, he learned that
his batch of Gary Null's Ultimate Power Meal contained way more
Vitamin D than it was supposed to, and so did Gary Null.  Instead of
taking 2,000 IU of Vitamin D per day (the recommended upper limit), he had been
wolfing down about two million.  It is actually very difficult to overdose on Vitamin D, but two million IU a day is a good start.

The complaint alleges that when Gary Null found out what the
problem was, he then "sequestered himself and fasted, only consuming massive
amounts of water, as he was told that there was no medical treatment to lower
the amount of Vitamin D in his system."  That sounds a little like
Gary Null is trying to take credit for saving his own life with his new program,
Gary Null's Staying Home and Drinking a Huge Amount of Water Plan, rather than just following sensible medical advice to eat no more of his tainted product and let Gary Null's
kidneys get rid of the stuff.

The bad batch of Gary Null's Ultimate Power Meal has
apparently been recalled, but please do some checking if you are eating any of
this and your feet begin to bleed.  A number of consumers have reported
similar problems
, and so there might be more
lawsuits in Gary Null's future.

Say, here's something else to not use – Gary Null's Magnetic Chi-Belt:

Magnetic Chi-Belt

Qi (energy) belt is designed to facilitate the use of
magnets in the area of the prostate, colon, ovaries, uterus and reproductive
organs (groin). Remove magnets before washing.

One size fits all.

I guess that doesn't technically claim that the magnets will actually do anything
for your reproductive organs (which, in case you've been wondering about this, are
located in the groin area).  But if you decide you want to magnetize them, then Gary Null is ready to sell you the magnetic underpants to do it.

Link: New
York Post
Link: NY Daily News