TSA Detains Possible Terrorist Armed With Flashcards

Here's something else to add to the Transportation Safety Administration training manual.  It's a simple six-point terrorist screening test I have just devised: If you notice that a traveler is carrying Arabic-English flashcards, and that person already speaks fluent English,…

The February Bar Exam Approaches!

For some reason I'm thinking about zombies today (tip: do not play super-realistic zombie video game just before bed if hoping to avoid bizarre zombie-related dreams) and so when I wrote the title above I immediately thought of zombies. The…

Feng Shui Master v. Little Sweetie

On February 2, a judge in Hong Kong denied Tony Chan's claim to the estate of Nina Wang, a real estate tycoon who was estimated to be worth more than four billion dollars.  Wang died in 2007, and Chan claimed…