DSUWI (Driving Something Unusual While Intoxicated)

Motorized Bar Stool Was “Not Road-Legal,” Say Police

As you know, the answer to the question whether you can get arrested for Driving a Bar Stool Under the Influence is plainly "yes," because it will be considered a "vehicle" for purposes of the motor-vehicle laws. But another problem…

DUI: Christmas Float

The float departed a parade at high speed, with the dance team it was carrying still on board.

Another Thing You Can’t (Legally) Drive Drunk: Wheelchair

This isn't the first motorized-wheelchair-DWI case by any means, nor is it especially recent, but I don't think I have "wheelchair DWI" in the database yet so I'm reporting this one anyway. The culprit in this case also gets bonus…

No RUI Charge for Florida Drunkard

As I mentioned in this followup to the Kentucky case last week, whether or not it is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence depends on state law, and there are other things the rider could be charged…

Further Analysis Regarding RUI (Riding Under the Influence)

Readers have raised some interesting questions about the RUI allegations in Kentucky, described in this earlier post. Mark T. asks, "I wonder if the Kentucky definition of 'vehicle' ["all agencies for the transportation of persons or property over or upon…

Don’t Ride Drunk in Kentucky

Guess I will create a new category for this topic, once I decide on a way to categorize it. "Things Not to Drive Drunk" doesn't seem right; you shouldn't drive anything drunk, or at least anything that goes faster than…

Drunken Zamboni Driver Mocked by Children

Irritatingly, I was led to believe that this NY Daily News report was actually new, which would have made this incident the third known Zamboni DUI case in the United States. (Canadians, please advise if this has happened, or is common,…