
Mock School Robbery Leads to Actual School Lockdown

A high school in Montrose, Michigan, offers what sounds like a pretty cool class in forensic science.  Over the past several years the class has included a surprise event in which people portraying masked gunmen stage a mock robbery, and the…

Terrorist Watch List No Obstacle to Bomb-Buyers, Says GAO

The New York Times reported recently on a Government Accountability Office study finding that people whose names appear on the ginormous and ever-expanding "terrorist watch list" have had little trouble buying guns and explosives.  The GAO found that those on…

City Workers Ordered to Wear Underwear

Thinking about a vacation?  Be sure to consider Brooksville, Florida (pop. 8,000).  In addition to everything else Brooksville has to offer — three city parks, a nine-hole golf course, and "an excellent library" — Brooksville can now assure visitors that…

Mule Drivers Must Have Biometric ID, Says TSA

The Transportation Security Administration, taking a break from its critical shoe-removal and water-bottle-disposal duties, has told the mule-skinners at Hugh Moore Park that they must comply with strict post-9/11 security measures by applying for high-tech biometric Transportation Worker Identification Credentials….

UPDATE: Former SF Official Gets Maximum Despite Brain Claims

Former SF supervisor Ed Jew was sentenced today to 64 months in jail by a judge in SF federal court.  Judge Susan Illston apparently rejected the claim that the defendant had been afflicted by childhood head injuries that first manifested…

Ohio Court Says It Can’t Afford Any More Paper

Things are tough all over, including in the nation's courthouses.  A court in Ohio is so strapped for cash that it has announced that it will not accept new case filings starting today (March 16) because it only has enough…