Assorted Stupidity #59

California has a new law that makes it illegal for any food employee to touch ready-to-eat food with bare hands. That means gloves, which sounds okay in general but there's no exemption for people like bartenders and sushi chefs, who I…

Breaking: Professional Fabulist Denied License to Practice Law

The California Supreme Court has held unanimously that Stephen Glass (they call him "Stephen Randall Glass" in the first sentence, so you know he's in trouble) cannot have a license to practice law in California. As you may recall, Glass worked…

ESO Buying Options

Thanks for your interest in buying The Emergency Sasquatch Ordinance! What a wise decision you have made. The book will be available through Amazon.com as of March 7, but you can pre-order now. (I realize that is actually just ordering now with…

On Huffington Post Live Today

I was on the Huffington Post just now as part of a panel discussing topics including (1) the Virginia AG's decision not to enforce the state constitution's ban on gay marriage, (2) the Florida candidate who unironically suggested that President…

Book Update

Thanks to everyone who's bought a copy of The Emergency Sasquatch Ordinance since it was published about three weeks ago. It still hasn't technically "launched," because that doesn't happen (according to me) until it gets into wider distribution, which with any…