Is an Alligator a “Deadly Weapon”?
You may be surprised to know that no Florida case has yet addressed this question.
You may be surprised to know that no Florida case has yet addressed this question.
But vows (through counsel) to appeal.
Other states may have their crustaceans, but only D.C. would have an amphipod. Which is also a crustacean, but still. And D.C. isn’t a state, but also, still.
Somehow he survived this.
They’re smart enough to be in the club, according to the EU.
Reminder: Owls are a protected species and are not to be kicked.
Florida FWS decides not to press charges.
"We chillin' with a owl right now, we vibin'." So quoth Johnny Duverson of West Palm Beach, who along with his friend Stervenson [confirmed: Stervenson] Benjamin could be seen doing just that in a video that the two men posted on Facebook….
Includes a discussion of whether it is illegal to have a pet zebra in Searcy, Arkansas.
In a lovely ceremony last week, the president of Argentina, Christina Fernández de Kirchner, became the godmother of Yair Tawil (second from left). Contrary to some reports, this had nothing to do with him turning into a werewolf. Not directly, anyway….