Attorneys in Action

Order Requiring Socks

COMES NOW your humble correspondent and hereby gives notice of the fact that on August 25, 2014, in the case entitled In re Proper Courtroom Attire, then pending in the Circuit Court of Blackford County, Indiana, Judge Dean A. Young, presiding, the…

In Which I Am Used to Embarrass Fox News

So this just happened on Twitter: And yes, that's me (on her television, apparently). The general theme of the thread that followed was something like "Fox News thinks this bird-poop thing is more important than #Ferguson!" It very well may,…

Bad Attitude Costs Texas in Fee Dispute

Hey, I get it—sometimes when you win and you think the other side's position was bogus, it's hard not to get all smug and self-righteous. But you really should try. Not trying very hard—well, not trying at all—cost the State…

Is a Contract Written on Toilet Paper Enforceable?

Sure! Why wouldn't it be? All you need in order to have a binding contract is a mutual agreement by which each party agrees to do something in exchange for some consideration. (An example from Ohio.) Generally they don't have…

“Like Your Client, This Claim Won’t Fly”

Think I'll add a new category for legal correspondence, and this letter is going in it. It's from a lawyer representing Dan Bilzerian. I'd never heard of him, but Legal Cheek describes him as "Instagram playboy Dan Bilzerian" and "Instagram sensation Dan Bilzerian"…

Springfield’s Buttocks Surface; Plaintiff’s Lawyer Comments

Updating an important story from last week (see "Mistrial Declared in Rick Springfield's Buttocks-Assault Case" (Nov. 20)), two new developments. First, The Picture has been released to the media: To be specific, this is the picture the plaintiff claims she took…

May a Magistrate Judge Ethically “Dance With the Stars”?

Yes, according to South Carolina's Advisory Committee on Standards of Judicial Conduct: FACTS A full-time magistrate inquires as to the propriety of dancing in a fund-raising event that is similar to a popular television show ("Dancing with the Stars"), in…