Attorneys in Action

Goat-Slayer Running for Senate

Some say Augustus Sol Invictus sacrificed a goat to the pagan god of the wilderness and then drank goat blood. Actually, HE says that. But he has denied being a fascist who wants to start another Civil War, so let’s not jump to conclusions.

Toddler Enjoys Lawyer-Themed Birthday Party

Well, this seems to have happened in January but didn’t receive the publicity it deserves until the WSJ’s Law Blog covered it recently. Obviously I need better sources in Prairieville, Louisiana. That’s the home of the Dobra family, whose youngest…

Eric Holder Begins New Career in Comedy

Those of you wondering what Eric Holder would do now that he's no longer the Attorney General, wonder no more. He's apparently decided to do stand-up. Holder has always been sort of a card, as you probably recall. I personally…

Man Ordered to Pay for Shooting Down Trespassing Drone

Many of you will be outside this weekend, so a little drone advice seems timely. Or maybe it’s shotgun advice. Take your pick. Ars Technica reported recently that a drone operator in California had prevailed in a legal dispute with…