Constitutional Law

Swiss Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Nude Hiking

Fed up with repeated incursions by German nacktwanderen (naked hikers), in 2009 a northern Swiss canton passed a law making such hiking illegal. See "New Swiss Law Aims to Halt Invasion of Naked Germans," Lowering the Bar (Apr. 26, 2009). A man…

Police Shoot Photographer With Rubber Bullet, Just For Fun

Today Boing Boing asks the question, "Is it legal for police to shoot photographers in a public place simply because they do not want to be photographed?" Well, no. No it is not. That includes Oakland. This video, taken by the shootee,…

Correction: Police Can Ask Beavers for Identification

I might have been a little hasty yesterday when I threatened to start a "Free Beavers" campaign to win the release of Phillip T. Beavers, the guy who was arrested in Utah and then refused to identify himself for about…

Mystery Man Identified

The Albuquerque Journal is reporting that the Utah inmate I mentioned earlier has been identified, but sadly, it appears he is not the missing DA from Pennsylvania. John Doe's brother reportedly recognized him after the mug shot was released to…

Here’s Just How Dysfunctional Our Government Really Is

You've probably heard something about how the country is trillions in debt, and that because we can't control the deficit we need to raise the national debt limit again so the government can legally borrow more money. Now it looks…