Search Results for pants

Saudi King Cancels Whipping of Female Driver

The king of Saudi Arabia, who has been making some reforms in an effort to drag that country firmly into the 17th century, has overturned the punishment handed out to Shaima Jastaina, convicted of the unholy crime of "driving without…

Assorted Stupidity #26

WikiLeaks said today it has "commenced pre-litigation action" against the Guardian newspaper and a German citizen for negligently disclosing decryption passwords WikiLeaks gave the Guardian. In other words, it is about to sue somebody for leaking secret information. Based on…

Court: No, One Person Can’t Be a “Partnership”

I’m a strong believer that in legal writing, an introduction should pretty much tell you everything you need to know. This one does. The parties to this appeal, a partnership dispute, agree on one issue. They want us to assume…

Evidence You Have Too Much Money

1. You own an iPad. 2. You own a fancy case for your iPad. 3. You paid $500 for your iPad case because it's part of The Bernie Madoff Collection, which means it's made out of Bernie Madoff's old clothes….

German Police: Body Scanners Are Useless

After a ten-month test of the same scanners currently irritating many U.S. travelers, German federal police have concluded that they aren't worth using. This appears to be largely because, according to the report, the scanners "triggered an unnecessary alarm in…

Three Follow-Ups

Let's return to some prior stories and see how things have developed. I. Escape Proves Temporary In 2009, I reported that repeat offender Ronald Tackman had escaped from a holding area in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he was awaiting trial,…

Mark Twain’s Bra Patent

Turns out Samuel Clemens invented more than Tom Sawyer: Actually, although it does look like a bra clasp, which is what this report assumed it was, the Patent and Trademark Office says that Clemens' idea was for a device that could be used to…

Assorted Stupidity #21

How do you hide a mink coat in your underpants for three days? It's not a riddle, I really don't know. I've read this report several times now and I can't visualize how this might have worked. And for that…