“Naked Cowboy” Announces Presidential Bid

Well, why not. Here's just a partial list of what this election year has offered so far (and it's only mid-October): An attack ad run by a candidate for coroner in Orleans Parish portrayed the incumbent coroner as Dr. Frankenstein….

Questions Not to Ask Police, #47

"Are there any warrants out for my arrest?" is one question that you should consider not asking the police, or at least not asking in person. It's just awkward if the answer turns out to be yes. This happened in…

No Repeat for Obama on Nobel Prize

I’m not really sure how many Nobel Prizes they give out, but so far at least the committee has snubbed President Obama despite the fact that it voted to award him one during his very first year in office. See…

Legal Drama Finally Pleads Guilty to Sucking

Entertainment Weekly reports that NBC has halted production on Outlaw, its new legal drama starring Jimmy Smits as a conservative but hard-partying Supreme Court justice with a gambling problem who resigns from the Court to go into private practice as a…

Tiny Dress, Big Award

Geisy Arruda, a 21-year-old Brazilian woman who was kicked out of her university for wearing a dress that officials considered "too short," has been awarded $23,600 in compensation by a local court. Officials at Bandeirante University, a private school in Sao…

Pirate Loose in Law Firm

Or at least that's what I infer from this email, forwarded to me today from a Midwestern law firm by one who wishes to remain anonymous: From:    [redacted]Sent:     Tuesday, October 05, 2010 11:02 AMTo:         [redacted]Subject: Found – Skull & Crossbones Eye…