Sugar Plum Fairy Fired for Cursing During Drug Test

St. Charles, Missouri, has been in the news before (my news, at least), back when it was contemplating an ordinance that would have banned "profane language" anywhere alcoholic beverages are sold, a ban that would have been unconstitutional as well…

Assorted Stupidity #31

Be on the lookout: someone stole seven guns and a trombone from a storage unit in Seattle. The trombone was not in a gun-shaped case, but it’s possible the thief thought he was stealing eight musical instruments. (KOMO News) Hoping…

Finally, the Movie Version of that Japanese Lawyer Video Game

According to Neatorama, this is actually happening:   "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney," the game that lets everyone in on the fun of practicing law, originated in Japan. Its success there led to a 2005 release in the U.S. on the Nintendo…

Undercover-Barber Operation Fails Due to Bad Barbering

The New York Times reports today on an NYPD operation involving an officer posing as a barber in a shop suspected of dealing drugs. The owner of the shop was also a police officer, and apparently the plan was for Internal Affairs…

Three More Reasons Not to Call 911

One: Your iPhone is broken. Apparently this person still has what in olden times was called a "land line," because obviously he could not have used his iPhone yesterday to report that his iPhone was broken. Although, since alcohol was…