
Least Viable “Consent” Defense Ever

A man in Pittsburgh is suing his former girlfriend for $30,000 in damages resulting from a post-breakup bedroom experience that he claims was assault and battery, but that her attorney claims was a "consensual act." The suit claims that after…

Naked Chinese Stuntman Arrested At Niagara Falls

I know what you’re thinking — not another naked-Chinese-stuntman story. Still, I think this one is worth telling. He Yun Chang, a 38-year-old man from Beijing, was arrested last weekend and charged with disorderly conduct and public indecency after he…

Moments of Zen

"’I lied about being a lawyer but other than the lie, everything else was totally legit,’ Goldstein said [at his sentencing hearing]." (He won 25 cases in 8 months of fake practice.) FindLaw.com "Flemming, who practices in Concord, Calif., is…