Suspect Claiming Mistaken Identity Says Someone Tattooed Him Without His Knowledge
Someone also “tampered with” his fingerprints, among other diabolical acts meant to frame this plainly innocent man.
Someone also “tampered with” his fingerprints, among other diabolical acts meant to frame this plainly innocent man.
Either be more creative or run a background check on the person you’re going to pretend to be.
The standoff lasted about 53 hours.
I guess he did have the advantage of surprise.
We can’t say for sure he isn’t a CIA agent, but the other claims didn’t check out.
He has another Zoom hearing next week, so maybe he will keep the streak alive.
The video also involves a much less dramatic hearsay objection.
This headline doesn’t refer to Donald Trump, but maybe by next week a similar one will.
*Who were not really prosecutors.
The song itself isn’t evidence, but making it was still unwise.