Criminal Mind, The

FYI, the Secretary of the Treasury is Not “Moe Money”

You might not be able to name the Secretary of the Treasury, but you probably know it isn't "Moe Money." Nor does the United States have a cabinet-level officer, or one at any level, actually, whose title is "Proprietor of…

Nobody Move! This Is a Film Project

"Knowing Joe, it wasn't really a surprise," said one of Joe's friends about the news that Joe had robbed two banks. "I don't think he meant anything by it other than he was just trying to get some good footage." Whether…

What Does a Security-Camera Thief Look Like?

Well, one of them looks like this: According to the BBC (thanks, Harry), this guy stole two CCTV cameras on Sunday, taking his own mugshot in the process. The image was first posted on the police department's Facebook page, but…

The Mansons Are Registered at Bed Bath & Beyond

Not even kidding: As I'm sure you know by now, or if not I'm telling you, Charles Manson and Afton Elaine Burton were issued a marriage license on November 7. The bride is an attractive 26-year-old who hails from the…

I Bet That Finger Wasn’t Even Loaded

If I spent a little time searching I could probably find an example of a less effective robbery, but this'll do for today: The suspect said, "Give me your wallet or my buddy will beat you up," but the victim…

Coma-Faker Pleads Guilty to Fraud

Doesn't seem like it should have taken two years to establish this, but it turns out Alan Knight was lying when he claimed to be quadriplegic and/or comatose in order to avoid court appearances and delay his prosecution. He even…